Avi Green
I was born in Pennsylvania in 1974, and moved to Israel in 1983. I love to read and write about comic books, and sometimes also anime
Avi Green's list of websites and social media pages
The Comic Book Discrimination Dossiers
The Greatest Thing on Earth
My Truth Social page
Puzzle Paradise
Avi Green's Fanfiction and Poetry site
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Astute Bloggers
My Fiction Press page
Earth's Mightiest Heroines
The Outer Observatory
My Minds page
My MeWe page
My Anime List
My Anobii page
My Wattpad page
My Letterboxd page
Cinema Capsule Cavalcade
My Imgur profile
My Flickr profile
My Film Affinity page
My IMDB profile
8 Tracks profile
My Dailymotion page
The Co-Stars Primer
My VSCO page
The Lion's Den
The Four Color Media Monitor
Tel-Chai Nation
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